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关于at a job interview,的英语对话,急

A:Good morning, I’m Richard Li.早上好,我是理察德•李。B:Please have a seat, Mr. Li. I received your resume a few weeks ago, and I must say I’m very impressed. 李先生请坐。我在几个星期前收到了你的简历,你给我留下了深刻的印象。A:Thank you. 谢谢。B:We’re a small financial company, trading mostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you’re interested in working for us? 我们是一个小小的金融公司,主要从事股票和证券交易。可以问一下你为什么有兴趣来这里工作吗?A:Your company has an impressive reputation. And I’ve always wanted to work for a smaller company. 你们公司名声很好。而且我一直就想在小公司工作。B:That’s good to hear! Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job? 很高兴听你这么说!能不能请你谈一谈目前的工作?A:I’m a head broker in a large international company. I deal with clients on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally. 我在一个很大的国际公司做经纪领班。我每天都跟客户打交道,全面处理他们的私人帐户。B:Why do you think you’re the right candidate for this position? 为什么你认为你是这个职位的最好人选?A:I have a lot of experience in the stock market. And I enjoy working with people. As a matter of fact, in my current job I’m in charge of a team of eight brokers. 我在股票市场上有丰富的经验。我喜欢与人交往。事实上,目前的工作中我负责一个由八个经纪人组成的团队。 B:Well, you might be just the person we’ve been looking for. Do you have any questions? 或许你就是我们要找的人。请问你有什么问题吗?A:Yes. If I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling? 是的。如果我被雇用,我管理几个帐号?B:You’d be working with two other head brokers. In other words, you’d be handling about a third of our clients. 你将与另外两个经纪领班一起工作。换句话说,你要管理我们三分之一的客户。A:And whom would I report to? 我的上司是谁?B:Directly to me. 我是你的直接领导。A:I see. What kind of benefit package do you offer? 我明白了。你们提供什么样的福利?B:Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year of employment. I believe you’re also eligible for medical and dental insurance. But this is something you should discuss with our personnel department. Do you have any other questions? 雇用第一年有两周的有薪假期。我相信你还有医疗和牙科保险。但你最好与我们的人事部门谈论这些事情。还有别的问题吗?A:No, not at the moment. 现在没有。B:Well, I’ll have to discuss your application with my colleagues, and we’ll get back to you early next week. 我要与我的同事们讨论一下你的申请,我们下星期初就给你答复。A:OK, thanks. It was very nice to meet you. 好的,谢谢。很高兴跟你见面。B: It was nice meeting you, too, and thanks for coming in today. 我也很高兴见到你,谢谢你今天到这里来。manager: i’ve just looked over your resume and i must admit i am quite impressed. 我已经看过你的简历了,我得承认我对你的简历印象不错。 sales rep: thank you. i’ve worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments. 谢谢。由于我自己努力才能换来这些成果。 manager: you’ve got plenty of training and experience. i wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. where do you see yourself ten years from now? 你接受的培训和工作经验都很丰富。能否告诉我你的目标?十年以后你准备在到什么目标? rep: to be honest, i don’t plan in that much detail. my goals tend to be general; i define success according to the job at hand. i see myself advancing as i succeed, but i don’t necessarily dwell on the timing of each step. 说实话,我的目标没有那么具体要。我只有大致的目标,我认为是否成功取决于手头上的工作。我看到自己在不断前进,不断成功,但我觉得没有必要拘泥于每一步要花的时间。 manager: interesting! and how do you feel about decision-making? are you an independent thinker, or do you depend more on your superior for direction? 有意思! 你对“作决定”有什么看法? 你是个独立思考者,还是更多地依赖上级的指示? rep: that depends a bit on the problem at hand. there are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive, and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the details. i am known for taking the initiative, but i believe i also have the discernment to wait for direction when the situation calls for that. 这就要看当时手头上的工作是什么。有时经理会给出大致的指示不,希望员工发挥在具体工作上的主动性。我很善于发挥主动性,但我觉得我也能运用自己的判断,在某些情况下,等待经理的指示。 manager: sounds good. everyone is taking about teams these days. can you describe your role as a member of a sales team? 很好。人们现在热衷于谈论“团队”。你能描述一下你在销售团队里的角色吗? rep: i see myself as an encourager. of course, sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail. in my last job, each representative handled a different region. i developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share. 我把自己看作一个鼓动者。当然,销售这个领域的竞争很激烈,有些同行暗地里希望别人失败。我在原来的公司工作时,每个销售代表负责一个地区。我建立了一套制度,让所有业务员共享行之有效的销售策略。很快整个销售团队开始积累成功经验,不是为了吹牛,而是为了分享。 manager: so, your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper. 你的实际经历和你所写的一样吸引人。


传闻而已 有记者采访有关部门没有得到确认 不是就算是真的也没什么好奇怪,现在什么都涨,工资不涨,股市不涨。
