

现在基本都是网上投稿,投稿时需要附上一封信件 (cover letter) 。如有什么要求,可以在信中提出,如不希望 XX X 看到原稿等。有些杂志要求你提供审稿人。 cover letter 一般不必写太长,但要把稿件的精髓和意义写出来。一个简单的 cover letter 一般可以这么写 :

Dear Editor:

We would like to submit our manuscript entitled "Convenient and Diastereoselective Diacetxylation of Alkenes Mediated by Phl (OAc)₂/BF₃ OEt₂ System” for publication on Journal of Organic Chemistry.

We describe a metal-free and highly efficient method for the diacetoxylation of alkenes mediated by Phl (OAc)₂/BF₃OEt₂ system. By using this methodology, not only syn-diacetate products but also trans-diacetate products were achieved in good to excellent yields with high diastereoselectivity simply by carrying out the reaction in the presence or in the absence of water. A broad range of substrates are compatible with this novel method, and even electron-deficient alkenes (such as α, β-unsaturated esters) are dioxygenated efficiently to produce the desired products at room temperature. Moreover, multigram-scale reaction is also successfully carried out with comparable yield and diastereoselectivity to small-scale reaction, demonstrating the high efficiency of this method. We expect this mild, practical and novel procedure would be a useful for the preparation of various 1, 2-diols in organic synthesis.

The work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. We greatly appreciate your time to review our manuscript and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

